Living in Spain

Spanish insurance accident report/Declaracion Amistosa de Accidente

Knowing how to complete the Spanish insurance accident report/Declaracion Amistosa de Accidente is very important and is used for all vehicle accidents in Spain. For minor collisions that do not require the Police to be called, it is important that you can complete the accident form correctly.

The first part of the Spanish insurance accident form is for the basic details of the incident.

1. Fecha del Accidente, Hora : Date & time of accident
2. Localización : Place of accident
3. Víctima(s) incluso leve(s) : Any injured victims?
4. Daños materiales : Material damage to vehicle A or B? Damage to any other objects (street lamps, walls, etc)
5. Testigos : Witness details, name, address, contact information.
The remaining sections of the Spanish insurance accident report deals with details of the incident from both drivers point of view. Insurance details and driver details are also requested.

6. Asegurado : Details of insurance policy holder
7. Vehículo : Vehicle details, make, model, licence plate number
8. Aseguradora : Insurance company and policy number
9. Conductor : Driver details, name, address, date of birth, contact details
10. Indicar el punto de choque inicial con una flecha : Indicate the point of initial contact
11. Daños apreciados al vehículo : State damage to the car
12. Circunstancias:
1. Estaba estacionado/parado : Stationary or parked
2. Salía de un estacionamiento/abriendo puerta : Pulling out of a parking zone or opening a door
3. Iba a estacionar : Trying to park
4. Salía de un aparcamiento, de un lugar privado, de un camino de tierra : Coming out of a parking garage, private drive or private road
5. Entraba a un aparcamiento, a un lugar privado, a un camino de tierra : Entering a parking garage, private drive or private road
6. Entraba a una plaza de sentido giratorio : Entering a roundabout
7. Circulaba por una plaza de sentido giratorio : Driving around a roundabout
8. Colisionó el la parte de atrás al otro vehículo que circulaba en el mismo sentido y en el mismo carril : Collision the back of another car going in the same direction and in the same driving lane
9. Circulaba en el mismo sentido y en carril diferente : Traveling in same direction but in different lanes
10. Cambiaba de carril : Changing lanes
11. Adelentaba : Overtaking
12. Giraba a la derecha : Making a turn right
13. Giraba a la izquierda : Making a turn left
14. Daba marcha atrás : In reverse
15. Invadía la parte reservada a la circulacíon en sentido inverso : Enter a one way traffic area the wrong direction
16. Venía de la derecha (en un cruce) : Came from the right at a junction
17. No respeó la señal de preferencia o semáforo en rojo : Did not respect a stop sign or red light

13. Croquis del Accidente : Sketch the position of the cars at the point of impact. Show the direction each vehicle was travelling.
14. Observaciones : Comments
15. Firma de los conductores : Signatures of both drivers
If there are any disagreements between drivers, it is better to call the Police. Do not sign a form that you do not agree with.

We help expats living on the Costa del Sol with interpreters, administration, taxes and advice in their own language. To discuss your requirements or if you have any questions about Spanish insurance accident reports, please contact us.

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